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Our mission is to ensure that all individuals with dyslexia become readers.

About Dyslexia


Dyslexia in a nutshell (we promise not to give you a convoluted definition!)

Whether you have a child who has recently been diagnosed with dyslexia, or you are a teacher preparing to work with a student, it can be quite overwhelming to research dyslexia and try to make sense of online definitions. We are going to make it clear and concise for you and put it in layman’s terms.

So what exactly is dyslexia?

It is a specific learning difficulty that affects 10-15% of the population. It can affect the acquisition of reading, writing, and spelling, and can range from mild to severe.

That is it in a nutshell.

Want to know more? We have put together just a few FAQs here that should help you to have a better understanding of how dyslexia may affect your child/student.

Q: Who is affected by dyslexia?

A: Dyslexia affects people of all backgrounds. It may or may not be genetic.

Q: Can dyslexia be prevented?

A: No. Neither does early literacy exposure prevent dyslexia.

Q: Is there a cure for dyslexia? Will it go away? Can it be fixed?

A: There isn’t a cure or a magic wand to fix dyslexia. Dyslexia doesn’t disappear.

Q: Do children with dyslexia have other difficulties?

A: Not necessarily, however dyslexia can co-exist with other difficulties such as ADHD, Aspergers, DCD etc..

Q: Is a child with dyslexia always a poor speller?

A: Although it is very common for a child with dyslexia to struggle with spelling, dyslexia can also be apparent in only one of the areas of reading, spelling or writing.

Q: How can my child/student with dyslexia be helped?

A: With appropriate educational interventions, individuals with dyslexia can learn strategies and tools to help them manage their difficulties. Early assessment & intervention result in the best outcome. Refer back to our website to read about how we teach individuals with dyslexia how to read.

Important note for those of you in the Irish education system:

In order to receive a diagnosis in Ireland, a child must score an average IQ with a discrepancy in word reading.

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